Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Read this eBook on your Kindle (or Kindle app on your PC):


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Election 2008: The short story

Election 2008: The short story

Once upon a time:

In August 2008 one of the pending presidential candidates
was "puffied" (a threatening letter with some unidentified
powder was received).

A lot of press exposure was given to this event.

In late September and October 2008 a lot of American Citizens
who were FED UP with the political systems in the U.S. started
puffing all the candidates. Their letters said: "Obama Rules".

These American Citizens passed this story on to their
friends and neighbors.

By November President Bush declared it a national emergency
and shut down the 2008 elections.

Bush is still the President.

The End


Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama Rules Posters

Its a given:
Obama will the the next president of
the United States.

Obama has promised "Change" and change there will be.

These posters are being posted to let us all have
time to consider and adapt to these changes.

They can be printed out and posted in your homes, on your
cars, in your offices, on the Internet, and anywhere else
you wish.

Don't forget to forward this message to all others on
your e-mail address list.

See www.saps08.net

The NEW Pledge of Allegiance